Sunday, May 9, 2010

The past twelve years of white walls

Twelve years ago in October I moved in with my soon to be husband in a tiny little Apartment in a really bad neighborhood in Concord California. It was the beginning of my white walled journey, but I didn't know it then. From that little apartment I moved in with my then husbands family in Las Vegas while he was in boot camp. His grandmother had a stunning home, and she loved white walls with her own random colorful art on the wall. From there to South Carolina, Jersey, Omaha, back to California, then Florida. Every single house had white walls. Not once was I allowed to paint. I hate white walls.

But it isn't just white walls that are troubling. Since we were moving so often we never had furniture beyond random assorted pieces that we would pick up here and there. Nothing matched, there was no style, and most everything was broken by the time we were all done.

Then we left Florida, and are now in the location of our dreams, the best place we have ever lived. We finally bought our first house, a 1960s 2 story with giant maples shading it, and a huge yard with a creek in the back. And we got stuck. Here we were with a house that we owned, things that we could do ourselves, and we had no idea what to do.

For a year we lived in our home, which did not have white walls, trying to figure out where we were going to live. And now, now I think we are starting to get it, and it is coming together. And we are doing it for as inexpensively as possible.

I love design blogs. My dear friend at Design spunk has an amazing sense of style and taste and her house is always fun and amazing. So now I'm starting my own. Trying to figure out who I am, what I want, where I'm going with my house turning it into our home. And doing it as inexpensively as possible.